Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blog Assignment 1: American society

In a society, each individual has the option to partake in its glory. The ones who take action and fill in positions to run it made that choice. Furthermore, the ultimate goal is a successful society that functions in harmony. America: arguably, the elite country of the world. In my personal opinion it is. It has become so great due to hundreds of years of highly motivated, intelligent, and educated men and women to make it what it is today. My point is that what America is doing now is most definitely working. America: Land of the free. Our freedoms are greater than any other country; our poor, or financially insufficient, are other countries' middle class. This speaks loudly. The elite run our country. By elite, I mean the political parties, namely Democrats and Republicans (along with the government of course) and the wealthy business owners. To accentuate this point: Andrew Carnegie, the steel manufacturer "King" of Pittsburgh and America, had more capital than the U.S. government had. Further, he had more control than the government had itself. Of course, this was when business taxes were non existent. Currently, business tax is how the government controls businesses and keeps a lot of profit.

Carnegie's manufacturing business can teach us a lot about how not only a business runs, but similarly, how a country is run. This man knew enough about our country and business that he single handedly took a new manufacturing idea and worked to make it the most efficient and the most vast. No other steel manufacturer could match the work that he did daily. He became an elite member of society by applying his intelligence and composing hard work efficiently. Another thing we can learn is that business is similar to a country/society in the sense that it is a hierarchy. Large-scale business: CEO's, CFO's, Presidents, etc. run the business by making decisions and giving orders; then management makes sure that these orders are undertaken; then skilled employees do the medial work that is assigned; finally the laborers, if any, perform labor tasks. This is the same as in a country and its society: there is a heirarchy that works interdependently to function. I think this a logical and efficient way for a country to be run.


Ashley Dunn said...

I pretty much agree with your blog, especially the first sentence.

faith said...

great example. it ties in nicely to show the way business and society parallel each other.

marge said...

Your Carnegie example was interesting, but I don't think I agree with some of your opening statements. You say that anyone with motivation and an education can choose to gain a powerful position. What about people who are born poor and don't have the same opportunities as you and me? Many Americans don't have the means to earn an education or get a good job, let alone run for public office. I agree with you that the elite run our country, but I'm not so sure that's a good thing. You say that our hierarchical sytem is efficient, but is it just?

Christopher_Duke said...

I agree Sara with you. Its bout being able to put hard work and clever thought to succeed. I think the people that are at the top are pretty good at what they do. It works for me, i think its fair.

Us, San Antonians, have to stick together... lol